Is a ISO9001 quality certification worth the money?

What are the benefits of implementing a quality certification?

Claes-Goran Hammar

6/24/20201 min read

Is a ISO9001 quality certification worth the money?

The ISO 9001 standard helps organizations to establish, document and maintain a quality management system. The key points of this standard are to provide the organization with the ability to create an effective quality management system. No matter what your company does, there are always some benefits to meeting the ISO9001 standards. There are also many different companies that invest in meeting these standards.

The ISO9001 standard is a set of requirements that ensure the customer will receive a high-quality product or service. This standard is typically most useful for manufacturing and other trade industries. The ISO 9001 certification is expensive because it requires time and effort to earn it. These two factors also make it difficult for organizations to know if they can get their money’s worth from this certification.

There are a lot of factors that determine if a company will be able to recoup their investment in applying for ISO 9001 certification, such as the size of the company, the size of their customer base and how quickly they can show an improvement in their quality management system.

The cost of an ISO 9001 certification can vary depending on the size of a company, but it can range from $10 000 to over $50,000. However, that isn’t the only expenses that come with registration as there’s also fees for auditors and other third-party services as well as additional training for employees. The total cost of an ISO 9001 certification can vary from tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands.

The solution is actually to calculate the costs of a ISO9001 certification and estimate the financial benefits and as soon as there is a profit, it´s a good investment!

If you need a cheaper quality certification, please contact us for a free estimation!

A man pointing at a ISO9001 circle
A man pointing at a ISO9001 circle